4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Tomato Flowers to Set Fruits
When you look at the leaves of your bushy tomato plant, you notice a small yellow flower. Excitement begins. So wait for your first benefit. And wait. But those little yellow flowers will never give you the fruit you are following. No matter how sad it is, you are not alone. Most often, these headaches are caused by environmental factors. Even if we can not control the weather, there are some ways to stimulate the fruit and turn those beautiful little flowers into delicious sweet tomatoes.
3 Reasons Why Your Tomato Flowers Are Not Fruiting
1. Temperature
High, prolonged heat with temperatures above 80F causes pressure on the tomato plants. While they enjoy the warmth, high temperatures can cause a variety of problems - including flowering problems. Long-term stress sends the plant into a state of self-defense. The production of flowers and fruits requires more energy and water, at higher temperatures. Therefore, the plant tries to keep the flowering and fruiting processes alive and reduce water and energy requirements.
At the other end of the spectrum, cold snaps can also cause stress and a lack of fruit. Tomatoes can not handle the cold - even short periods can cause severe damage. Without the right conditions to set the fruit (temperatures above 65F), your plant can stop growing during the flowering stage.
2. Lack of adequate pollination
High-temperature limits or humidity throughout the day and night can adversely affect the pollen and pollination process. Excess moisture makes the pollen sticky, which prevents it from falling off the flower. In dry hot areas, the pollen dries and does not stick to the female parts of the plant and even to the pollinator's body. These problems can affect the self-pollination of tomatoes and prevent fruiting. Another culprit is the lack of adequate ventilation around the plants to facilitate self-pollination. Lastly, your plants need to be pollinated before they can bear fruit, so this is an important point to pay attention to.
3. Nutritional factors
Tomato plants need fertile, fertile soil to produce plump, healthy tomatoes. However, when you want to produce fruit, nitrogen is not the nutrient you want. Nitrogen facilitates the growth of leaves, not flowers and fruits. If your flowers do not bear fruit, it may be due to excess nitrogen in the soil. Too little water can be another problem. Nutrients are taken only if there is enough water in the soil. Lack of water results in poor fruit growth, or none at all, and can contribute to the fall of the flowers. Another possible factor is that the fruit has too many flowers and leaves to form. Excess foliage creates competition for nutrients within the plant. This can cause the flowers to fall off and reduce the yield of the fruit.
Increase pollination
Hand pollination is an easy, efficient way to ensure you get as much fruit as possible from your plants. Although the temperature is optimal, manual pollination can be very effective and can give the plants the extra impetus they need. The easiest way to facilitate pollination is to carefully shake the pollen from the flowers or tap lightly on the plant. To try another technique, use a small paintbrush and transfer the pollen from flower to flower as you would pollinate. Hygiene should be kept in mind while using this method. Cross-pollination can be avoided by using different brushes for different plants and tomato varieties.
It is important to encourage pollinating insects in any home garden. Bees and other beneficial insects are attracted to bright flowers and have easy access to your tomato plants.