5 Common garden pests in your home garden
Diagnosing the problem is the first step in finding a healthy way to reduce - or eliminate - the damage caused by garden pests. Here are 5 common garden pests you may encounter. Creepy or creepy when you mention anything? Insects can cause a lot of damage to your plants and, without proper control, can irreversibly weaken their health. But some bugs need to be kept under control, while others are great garden helpers. Remember to use chemical pesticides easily. They can treat the pests you have, but they will also destroy the hard workers.
Garden pests that cause damage to the garden
Grasshopper favorite plants
From vegetables and fruit trees to flowers, locusts do not like to be eaten.
What kind of damage can locusts cause?
Flowers and leaves may appear decayed, but a large explosion can destroy plants or destroy fruits and vegetables throughout the summer, reducing your potential harvest later in the season.
How to control locusts
Locusts contain disease-causing pesticides and beneficial pathogens, but they are difficult to use because they have to come in contact with insects to work, and new locusts are always moving inside. Floating row cover or a thin wire mesh for important plants or crops. With large beneficial insects such as the praying mantis, chickens make excellent natural restraints.
Japanese beetles
Favorite plants of Japanese beetles
Clematis (Clematis spp. And hybrids), dahlia (Dahlia hybrids), rose (Rosa spp. And hybrids), and Japanese maple (Acer palmatum), to name a few.
What kind of damage do Japanese beetles cause?
Bitten and torn flower petals and almost completely deciduous plants; Shrubs that feed on ground roots are destructive in spring and late summer.
How to control Japanese beetles
In the early morning pluck the beetles from the plants or shake and leave them in soapy water. Systemic insecticides such as imidacloprid or thiamethoxam provide long-term protection, and contact insecticides such as Carbaryl, sold as Sevin®, can be used as a spray or dust. From late spring to early autumn, when there are nodules near the soil surface, apply a control with imidacloprid or halofenoside. Need Organic Control? Milk spores, the bacteria you mix with water and spray on the lawn, have killed the worms in some areas.
Aphids Favorite Plants
There are thousands of different aphid species, but most suck sap from a particular type of herb or tree plants, such as the rose (Rosa spp. And hybrids) and juniper (Juniperus Sinensis). Other annual and perennial fruits such as zinnia (Zinnia spp. And hybrids) are also unsafe.
What kind of damage do aphids cause?
Stunted growth and leaf curl, decay, or yellowing; Honey (sticky, undigested juice) promotes the growth of aphids, which are black fungi that form on plants and nearby surfaces, and they also transmit viral diseases from plant to plant.
How to control aphids
Tap them on a strong jet of water or spray the insects thoroughly with insecticidal soap. You can trim the affected stems and dispose of them in the trash.
Scale's favorite plants
More than 200 species of these sap-sucking insects attack many shrubs and trees (including evergreen, deciduous, and fruit).
What damage does size cause?
Crawlers hatch in late spring and move around for a while before attaching to the leaf or stem to absorb sap from the soft growth. The leaves turn yellow and fall off. Usually, the damage to mature trees is minimal, but the young can crumble or kill. Scaly insects also secrete sticky honey.
How to control the size
Female beetles, parasitic wasps, and soldier beetles all feed in large quantities. In small numbers, remove the adults with a cotton cloth soaked in soapy water or rub with alcohol or blow them through your garden hose. Make adults and eggs suffocate by spraying horticultural oil when the plant is dormant. Cut and destroy branches with severe attacks.
Favorite plants for leafhoppers
Grasses, vegetables, and herbs of Various varieties, including woody plants.
What damage do leafhoppers do?
Adults and nymphs eat plant sap from leaves and stem during the growing season. A toxin they inject often turns white or yellow before the leaves curl up. They can also spread viruses and bacteria from plant to plant.
How to control leafhoppers
Birds and lizards prey on leafhoppers, so small populations are usually not a big problem. Spray insecticide soap on all surfaces of the plant to destroy major infections, including the base of the leaves.