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Best Water Tips for Your Vegetable Garden

Secrets to Watering Your Vegetable Garden 

With soil and sunlight, water is the most important part of the success of your garden. But watering your vegetable garden can be tricky. Too much water and some plants, such as tomatoes and pumpkins, are prone to disease and begin to look very unhappy. Water is very low and vegetables like onions do not grow to their full size and you end up with a small harvest. Improper watering in your vegetable garden throughout the season can cause unnecessary problems. And it can be confusing! How do you know when and how to water your plants?

Do not worry! We will sort it all out for you. In this post, we will look at the best tips and techniques for watering your vegetable garden so that you can set your plants for a successful and abundant season. The best tips for watering your vegetable garden this season When a fellow gardener approaches me asking for help with a gardening problem, the first questions I ask are "How often do you water your vegetable garden?" And "How do you pour water?" Most vegetables are made up of 70-95% water! To grow well, they need to get nutrients from the soil and then move those nutrients around the plant using a solution made with water.

1. Select water: Water your plants only when they really need it. Dig a small hole with a trowel (or stick your finger inside) to check soil moisture at the root level.

2. Your watering time: Water early in the morning to give the crop time to absorb moisture before it evaporates in the heat of the day. This allows any water available during the green season to dry out the night before, helping to reduce the complications of snails and fungal diseases. Periodic watering, rather than frequent watering, promotes a more extensive root system.

3. Take aim carefully: When watering by hand, aim at the base of the plants where needed. This will dry the leaves.

4. Trap Water: Remove the lid on plastic pots or inverted bottles and cut down to the next edge for thirsty plants like pumpkins. Water in the tank; Water reaches the roots instead of flowing from the surface of the soil.

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5. Irrigate efficiently: Automatic drip irrigation or drain pipes are less wasted than a sprayer. Override the timer if it is raining or if it should be raining.

6. Choose pots carefully: Clay pots, such as terracotta pots, expel moisture from the potting soil because they are porous, and metal pots heat up very quickly, which speeds up evaporation. Choose plastic or glazed pots instead. You can hide the ugly pots inside the most decorative metal or terracotta outdoor pot if you like. Group pots together to shade at the root level and evaporate slowly.

7. Add organic matter: Soil rich in organic matter absorbs and retains moisture well. You can split it up and plant it again by adding thin layers in the summer and then adding thicker layers in the winter.

8. Mulch regularly: Natural fabrics can be used as mulch or stones in mulch or pots, but the best mulch is well-rotted compost-like organic matter. Apply 2 m thick layers of organic mulch on moist soil. Keep the mulch on top throughout the summer.

9. Collect rainwater: Collect water from your roof, and greenhouse and pour it into water barrels near where you need the most water. Multiple barrels can be combined together for greater water storage capacity. Check local rules for rainwater harvesting first.

10. Remove Weeds: Weeds compete with your plants for soil moisture. Remove annual weeds and leave them on the surface of the soil, but dig up the roots of more harmful perennials.

Soil is made up of different amounts of mineral particles (sand, sediment, clay, rocks), organic matter (living and dead organisms), air, and water. You may have heard other gardeners talk about what kind of soil is in their garden. For example, I have clay soil in my yard.

This does not mean that there is only clay in my soil. Most soils have three particle sizes - sand, sediment, and clay - in different compounds.

Why is this important? The soil, which has more clay-like mine, is more dense and waterlogged


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